Posture Changes for Masses Beginning this Weekend
This Sunday, August 12 we will begin the practice of kneeling after the “Holy, Holy, Holy” through the “Amen” of the Eucharistic Prayer for all Masses at Christ the King Chapel. Those who are unable to kneel or who are in a section of the chapel that does not have kneelers (ex. front pews) are asked to be seated during this time. We will all stand again after the “Amen.”
Another change in our communal posture is for all who are able to remain standing throughout the entire Communion Rite/Procession (i.e. while the people are going up for Communion) until the last person has received. After the last person has received Communion, all are invited to kneel or be seated as they please for a time of personal reflection and thanksgiving.
Fr. Thom will explain this change prior to Mass for the next few weeks. A fuller explanation of this will also be in next week’s bulletin and participation guides for Mass will be available soon in the gathering space to help all to feel welcome and to more easily take part in our liturgies here at Christ the King Chapel.