Finding Peace as Reality Sets In
At Mass & More this past Wednesday, I asked the students how many were already feeling pulled in too many different directions just two weeks into the new academic year. All of their hands shot up. It is that time of the semester when reality sets in, as tests, labs, projects and papers begin, not to mention all the practices, rehearsals, games and meets, many of which began well before the first day of classes. Yes, the “welcome back” honeymoon is over. But I challenged the students to look at their very busy lives with a little different perspective. Rather than looking at everything they “have to do” or getting flustered by those things that seem to “get in the way,” I challenged them to see all of these different things as simply folding into their lives. In this sense, nothing is wasted, nothing is out of place, and those things that we only saw as obstacles before take on new meaning. In my reading of the Gospels, this seems to be how Jesus handles things. He never seems put off by any demand of him, but calmly and confidently goes about his life, seeing all as a part of his mission. Certainly, to the degree that we can exercise control through good time management, and by making healthy choices, we should. But for those times when we feel particularly stretched, despite our best efforts, this way of approaching life may be particularly helpful. I pray that as the semester hums along our students, faculty and staff will carve out time for good food, good sleep, and good prayer and find peace even in the midst of their busy schedules. Fr. Thom. |