Friday, October 25, 2019


Pray Like a Tax Collector
In the Gospel this Sunday, Jesus addresses a parable to “those who were convinced of their own righteousness.” In this short parable he gives the example of a Pharisee who prays, “O God, I thank you that I am not like the rest of humanity -- greedy, dishonest, adulterous.” It reminds me of some confessions I have heard over the years in which someone very ably confesses the sins of their spouse, children or neighbors before (if ever) getting around to their own faults.  In contrast to this, Jesus presents the tax collector, who “would not even raise his eyes to heaven but beat his breast and prayed, ‘O God, be merciful to me a sinner.’” Jesus says it is the tax collector who went home justified, not the Pharisee. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI was once asked in an interview, “How does Pope Benedict pray?” He answered, “As far as the pope is concerned, he too is a simple beggar before God.” Similarly, in an interview at the beginning of his pontificate Pope Francis was asked, “Who is Jorge Mario Bergoglio (his given name before being elected pope)?” After a pregnant pause he responded simply, “I am a sinner.” I suppose in both cases this could be false humility, meant to ingratiate themselves to the people of God, but I don’t think so. I think each of them meant what they said. If those holding the highest office in the church see themselves as beggars and sinners, we may want to take our cue from them. We need not ever fear approaching God in our weakness and sin, because God is loving and merciful. But we should do so with an attitude of genuine humility, not presumptively or comparing ourselves to others.  And so, if you want to know how to pray, pray like the popes: like beggars and tax collectors. --Fr. Thom
Email here!

Sunday, November 3
Christ the King Chapel

All Faiths are welcome! Mass will include a blessing for families.
Then stick around for coffee & doughnuts after Mass!


Family Weekend Service Project:
River Bend Food Bank - Backpack Party!

Saturday, November 2
Pick from two times:
8:00am - 10:00am
(Meet at Chapel Gathering Space at 7:45am)
10:30am - 12:30pm
(Meet at Chapel Gathering Space at 10:15am)


The River Bend Food Bank has a volunteer activity for a family or group of friends. This is an assembly-line style activity to put together bags of food for schools within our service area to send home with students in need to feed them throughout the weekend. The food bank is trying to get the entire month's worth of menus made in one day! All ages are welcome. 

RSVP here!
Busy Student Retreat
November 10-14

Find yourself too busy?
Need to take a break,
but can't find the time?
Join in our Busy Student Retreat!
Commit to four days of just two 1/2 hour periods per day, one spent in prayer, and one in discussion with a spiritual guide, built around your schedule.  We encourage you to sign up for a simple, yet powerful, retreat experience! 
Register Here!
Register here!
"Love and Mercy: Faustina"

On October 28th at the
Cinemark Theater in Davenport,

there will be a limited showing of
"Love and Mercy: Faustina," a new film about St. Faustina Kowalska and the message of Divine Mercy.
Showings are at 7:00 and 9:45 p.m.,
but seats are going fast!
Tickets can be ordered through the
Cinemark Davenport website. 
Watch the trailer here!

Fr. Thom and Meg Grady recently sat down with Barb Arland-Fye from The Catholic Messenger for their podcast “Catholic Messenger Conversations.”
Listen in as they discuss campus ministry here at St. Ambrose and find out why Fr. Thom is really just a “big nerd.”
Listen to the podcast here!

Interested in joining a Small Faith Sharing Group?

Women’s Faith Sharing
Sundays at 8 pm
North Hall, 3rd Floor Lounge
Led by Alyssa Duran,

Men’s Group
Mondays at 8 pm
Chapel Gathering Space
Led by Jacob Braun,
Johnny Callahan,
Alberto Vargas,

Women in Faith
Mondays at 8:30
Davis Hall Lower Level Lounge
Led by Jess Mendenhall,

Morning Prayer & Rosary

Tuesdays & Thursdays at 8:15 am
Lower Chapel Meeting Room
Led by Sarah Adams,
Mark Filipski,

Tuesdays at 7:20 am
Hagen/Tiedemann LINK
Led by Andrea Adam,

Bridge Bible Fellowship

Tuesdays at 8:15 pm
Led by Luke Mathews,
Emily Studt,

Ambrosians for Peace & Justice
Wednesdays at 8 pm
Lower Chapel
Led by Perla Hernandez,

Thursdays at 8 pm
WRC, Room 238
Led by Megan Schultz,

Interested in Becoming Catholic?
Do you want to prepare for a sacrament?

Click here to contact Tammy for more information!
Do you want to get involved in Campus Ministry? Take our interest survey!
Interest Survey
Have a question about a program or event going on in Campus Ministry?
Got an idea for something you'd like to see happen?

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