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Welcome to campus!
Before classes started, the Campus Ministry Staff and Peer Campus Ministers spent time together on retreat. We reflected on Christ’s call to Peter (and the rest of us) to “feed his sheep.” We learned that shepherds do not lead in front of the sheep or push from behind the sheep; but rather, they walk among the sheep. In Pope Francis’ "Joy of the Gospel," he issued a call to all Christians to take on the “smell of the sheep” and pay particular attention to the vulnerable and marginalized. He challenged us to get involved in the lives of one another and show love, concern, and generosity, not judgment and condescension. Our Campus Ministry Staff is committed to walking alongside our students, colleagues and members of the wider community as they face the challenges of daily living. There are many others at St Ambrose who are also committed to accompanying people through the ups and downs of life. Sometimes we are the sheep who need to be accompanied, and sometimes we are the shepherd. I hope that all members of our community feel important, listened to and loved. If you ever feel alone, please reach out, and remember you are surrounded by many Ambrosians who care deeply about you.
Have a question about a program or event going on in Campus Ministry? Got an idea for something you'd like to see happen? EMAIL US at