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The scripture readings that are proclaimed throughout the 50 days of the Easter season recount many of the resurrection appearances of Jesus. I’ve often wondered why Jesus’ apostles do not recognize the resurrected Christ initially. Did he look different physically? Did their profound grief keep them from seeing him? Was the idea of Jesus coming back to life too unbelievable to comprehend? As I pondered these questions, it dawned on me that Jesus probably wonders why we STILL don’t always recognize him.
As his disciples striving to know Jesus and grow in intimacy with him, we are invited to encounter him in our midst in a variety of ways including personal and communal prayer, scripture, community, nature, miracles, healing, and the sacraments. Many believers have come to expect to see Jesus in these places. Perhaps the hardest place to recognize Jesus is in the faces of other people. We can be spiritually blind because we are preoccupied with our own concerns and biases regarding race, nationality, religion, economic status and more.
When we come face-to-face with people who are different from us, we must strive to recognize their inherent dignity and see the reflection of God’s image in them. We are called to work together to challenge unjust systems, provide for basic human needs and show compassion to all. When we bear witness to the transformative power of Christ’s love in the world, others will come to recognize Jesus too!