Sunday, October 25, 2020



Campus Ministry Bulletin - October 25th, 2020
Tammy Norcross-Reitzler, Director of Campus Ministry
Fr. Thom Hennen, Chaplain
Lauren Bollweg, Coordinator of Music, Justice, & Media
Claire McCarthy, Graduate Assistant

Follow us online for news, events, prayer and spiritual resources, plus much more:

Campus Ministry Reflections
Love, Love, Love, Love!  Christians this is our call.  Love your sisters and your brothers.  God is Love.”  This simple song that we sing during our Antioch Retreats is a great reminder of God’s commandment to LOVE.  In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus tells us that the greatest commandment is to love God and our neighbor.  When I was a child, the commandment to love God and neighbor seemed simple enough.  My world just wasn’t that big and I couldn’t imagine anyone being unlovable.  But I have to admit that the commandment to love my neighbor can be quite challenging now that I understand that love demands action and personal sacrifice.  This week, we had the privilege of participating in a Zoom Meeting with Sr. Helen Prejean, CSJ.  What an example of love in action!!  She has been a loving presence to many, many prisoners on death row and has worked tirelessly to end the death penalty in our country.    

Sometimes it’s hard enough to be loving to the people in my own family, let alone people on death row.  Can I love the person who exposed me to Covid-19?  What about the people who disagree with my political views? Does God really expect me to love people who have hurt me or my family?  How am I called to love refugees and immigrants?  Do I love my LGBTQ brothers and sisters enough to speak out on their behalf?  Are my actions demonstrating love for people of color?    How well am I loving the poor and oppressed, the sick and dying, the elderly and the unborn?   What am I to do to show my love (and God’s) to my neighbors?    

“Love, Love, Love, Love!  Christians this is our call.  Love your sisters and your brothers.  God is Love.” 
-- Tammy

Instagram Live
We will be live streaming the 10:30 am Mass on Instagram each Sunday. Follow us @saucampusmin! 
Sign up here
Click here to order a shirt!
Wondering what the Catholic Church says about politics?

Check out the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops documents on Faithful Citizenship and Voting: Part 1 and Part 2.

Are you registered to vote?
Get registered to vote or get your mail in ballot here:  

In the latest episode of the podcast, Megan & Fr. Thom talk about their shared hobby - running!

Check out Episode #29!
You can now listen on Spotify, SoundCloud, Google Playlists, or iTunes!

We are so excited for the many upcoming events in Campus Ministry this semester and we would love for you to get involved!
Click here to take the Campus Ministry Interest Survey!
Have a question about a program or event going on in Campus Ministry?
Got an idea for something you'd like to see happen?

Tammy Norcross-Reitzler, Director of Campus Ministry
Fr. Thom Hennen, Chaplain
Lauren Bollweg, Coordinator of Music, Justice, & Media
Claire McCarthy, Graduate Assistant

Follow us online for news, events, prayer and spiritual resources, plus much more:

Sunday, October 18, 2020



Campus Ministry Bulletin - October 18th, 2020
Tammy Norcross-Reitzler, Director of Campus Ministry
Fr. Thom Hennen, Chaplain
Lauren Bollweg, Coordinator of Music, Justice, & Media
Claire McCarthy, Graduate Assistant

Follow us online for news, events, prayer and spiritual resources, plus much more:

Campus Ministry Reflections
Here we are in another season of change, the nights are getting cooler, the leaves are popping with different colors and leaves are falling.  For some, this may be a beautiful time where we see the things around us change and for others, this change may be difficult.  Similar to the seasons, our lives change in various ways.  In college we grow as individuals through our classes, the clubs we join, the experiences we have, and the challenges we face.  Unfortunately, it is not always comfortable to change.  For some of us, we just want to skip the hard part and get to the happy times.  What I have learned time and time again is that we must experience the challenges in order to get to where we want to be.  We must grow through what we go through.  I know we all have experienced change during these past months and it can be very easy to get frustrated with the circumstances we are in.  Some things get canceled or don’t go the way we wanted them to.  The anxiety and stress that is ongoing can be exhausting.  One thing I know is that we are all growing.  Everything we are experiencing is going to make us stronger.  God does not give us what we can handle, he helps us handle what we are given.  I encourage you all to cling to your faith and remember that what you are going through now will make you stronger.  It may take days, months, or years to see the growth, but promise it will all be worth it.  Matthew 6:34 says, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.”  Be where you are and make the most of each moment.  -- Claire

Instagram Live
We will be live streaming the 10:30 am Mass on Instagram each Sunday. Follow us @saucampusmin! 
Sign up here
Wondering what the Catholic Church says about politics?

Check out the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops documents on Faithful Citizenship and Voting: Part 1 and Part 2.

Are you registered to vote?
Get registered to vote or get your mail in ballot here:  

In the latest episodes of the podcast, Megan & Fr. Thom talk to special guest and SAU history professor, Dr. Dan La Corte. They also discuss their relationships with Mary & the Rosary!

Check out Episode #28 & Episode #29!
You can now listen on Spotify, SoundCloud, Google Playlists, or iTunes!

We are so excited for the many upcoming events in Campus Ministry this semester and we would love for you to get involved!
Click here to take the Campus Ministry Interest Survey!
Have a question about a program or event going on in Campus Ministry?
Got an idea for something you'd like to see happen?

Tammy Norcross-Reitzler, Director of Campus Ministry
Fr. Thom Hennen, Chaplain
Lauren Bollweg, Coordinator of Music, Justice, & Media
Claire McCarthy, Graduate Assistant

Follow us online for news, events, prayer and spiritual resources, plus much more: