Thursday, February 4, 2021



Campus Ministry Bulletin - February 7th, 2021
Tammy Norcross-Reitzler, Director of Campus Ministry
Fr. Thom Hennen, Chaplain
Lauren Bollweg, Coordinator of Music, Justice, & Media
Claire McCarthy, Graduate Assistant

Follow us online for news, events, prayer and spiritual resources, plus much more:

Campus Ministry Reflections

This past Tuesday was the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. In the Gospel we hear of Simeon and Anna, who were in the temple, praying to see the presence of the Lord. Day in and day out, they both prayed and waited. I can imagine once they saw Mary and Joseph bring Jesus into the temple, they were so excited! We read that Simeon prayed in a new way. 

I think as Christians, it can be easy to say the same prayers day in and day out while we are waiting for Jesus to show himself to us. It might be time to pray in a new way - out of our comfort zones, more God-centered, and less about having our way. As we say in the Our Father, “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done.” Notice how it is THY and not MY. God works in mysterious ways and may not always show himself to us the way we want him to. 

Just like the beginning of the new semester, we adjust to new schedules and may have to try things differently in prayer. Our routine is no longer the same. May we all see the goodness that comes with change and new perspectives. Let us not give up when things get uncomfortable and continue to open our eyes to the world around us. May we see Jesus in new ways. 
-- Claire

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Access the food pantry here!

This week Jess Mendenhall joins Fr. Thom & Meg! They discuss the nostalgia of Davis Hall and all about the pranks that Fr. Thom observed and participated in during seminary.  Meg & Jess share about how they have made their faith their own.

Check out Episode #39!
You can now listen on Spotify, SoundCloud, Google Playlists, or iTunes!

If you missed out on receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation when you were younger,
now is a great time to consider
getting confirmed!  
Contact Tammy here!

Want to be involved in Campus Ministry this semester? Take the Interest Survey!
Take the Campus Ministry Interest Survey Here!
Have a question about a program or event going on in Campus Ministry?
Got an idea for something you'd like to see happen?

Tammy Norcross-Reitzler, Director of Campus Ministry
Fr. Thom Hennen, Chaplain
Lauren Bollweg, Coordinator of Music, Justice, & Media
Claire McCarthy, Graduate Assistant

Follow us online for news, events, prayer and spiritual resources, plus much more: