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Campus Ministry Reflections
I recently came across a reflection from Dorothy Day that hit me between the eyes. In talking about the Catholic Worker movement she remarked that some people complained that the movement was too idealistic; that it was "impractical." To which she replied, "They are right. We are impractical as Calvary. We feed the hungry, yes; we try to shelter the homeless and give them clothes...but there is a strong faith at work; we pray. If an outsider who comes to visit doesn't pay attention to our praying and what that means, then he'll miss the whole point." I suppose this caught me off guard because I so associate Dorothy Day with action that I failed to see her more contemplative side - that all her efforts were nourished in prayer. Similarly, much of what we do here at the University and in Campus Ministry in particular may seem "impractical." And all of us are feeling limited in what we can do "practically" right now under the constraints of the pandemic (my mind goes especially to service opportunities), but we can pray, we can speak out, we can act in other ways. As we continue to chart our path through these strange and unsettled times, let's not lose sight of this. Let's find ways to be "as impractical as Calvary." -- Fr. Thom
Instagram Live We will be live streaming the 10:30 am Mass on Instagram each Sunday. Follow us @saucampusmin!
Volunteers Needed We are looking for a few volunteers to help clean pews after Masses every Sunday and some Saturdays. Please contact Fr. Thom at if you're interested!
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