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Campus Ministry Reflections
As a child in school, I remember classmates fighting over who would be the line leader whenever we lined up to leave for class. I also remember our teacher reminding us we will all make it there, don’t worry. This Sunday’s gospel is Matthew 20:1-16. This gospel is the parable of the landowner and the vineyard. Jesus explains the kingdom of heaven like a landowner who went to hire laborers for his vineyard. At different times throughout the day, the landowner welcomes other people to go work in the vineyard and promises to give them what is just. When the day was over, the landowner gathered the laborers and gave them their pay. The first group, who started early, expected to get a higher pay and complained when they received the same as the last group who worked less. The land owner asks, “Are you envious because I am generous?” He then goes on to say, “Thus the last will be first and the first will be last.” I see the early workers as the people fighting for the beginning of the line. The people who have had an early start in their faith and relationship with God. The people who start working later in the day are those who have found their faith later in life and are lining up patiently. The last group is those who may still be lost or have just found their faith and are at the end of the line. This parable is a reminder that no matter where we are in our faith journey, or ‘in line’, God loves and accepts us all. He welcomes us all and has a place for each of us in the vineyard. It is never too late to get in line to receive the generous love he is waiting to give. As my teacher always said, “We will all make it to our destination, don’t worry about it, sweetheart.” -- Claire
Instagram Live We will be live streaming the 10:30 am Mass on Instagram each Sunday. Follow us @saucampusmin!
Volunteers Needed We are looking for a few volunteers to help clean pews after Masses every Sunday and some Saturdays. Please contact Fr. Thom at if you're interested!
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