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Campus Ministry Reflections
This Sunday is Palm Sunday and we read from Mark's Gospel 11:1-10. In this Gospel story Jesus sends two of his disciples to go into the village and find a colt tethered on which no one has ever sat. He tells them to untie it and bring it to him. If asked why they are doing it, they are told to say ‘The Master has need of it and will send it back here at once.’
When reading this passage, it made me wonder... How did Jesus know exactly where this colt would be? Why was it that specific colt and not just any colt? And then I realized that we all are called to be like the colt in this story. We all have a purpose in God’s plan and sometimes we may be used to bring Jesus to others just like the colt who carries Jesus through the crowds as they shout ‘Hosanna!’ He chooses us and he knows exactly who and where we are. There may be doubts from others and even ourselves that can get in the way. Others may question our faith or how we live our lives, but we must remember the The Master has need of us and we must be ready to bring him to others. -- Claire
Monday, March 29th, at 6:00 pm, Ambrosians for Peace & Justice will be chatting with Katie Galuska, '19. Katie recently did a year of service and will be sharing stories about her experience. Join the conversation in person in the Chapel Gathering Space, or virtually via Zoom!
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