Thursday, April 25, 2024



Campus Ministry Bulletin - April 28th, 2024
Tammy Norcross-Reitzler, Director of Campus Ministry
Rev. Ross M Epping, Chaplain
Colin Evers, Coordinator of Music Ministry
Nicky Gant, Coordinator of Service & Justice
Fabian Barthalonzo, Graduate Assistant

Follow us online for news, events, prayer and spiritual resources, plus much more:

As we near the month of May, and the end of another spring semester, many of us will experience a flurry of emotions. This time of year always brings with it a sense of finality.

Another school year come and gone, and with it, a whole journey of new experiences and changes and friendships and love. Some of those experiences have been great, others maybe not
so much. And each May, we close this one chapter and prepare to open the next.
Some of us will be graduating, others will soon be preparing for internships and summer jobs.
We’ll move back home, or move in with friends, or pack up our dorms and move into whatever
comes next.

The closing of this chapter can be a difficult one, even if it is filled with excitement. This is
perhaps most especially seen in those of us who are saying goodbye to St. Ambrose and the
relationships we’ve built along the way. Saying goodbye can be hard, and stepping into a new
chapter without all the familiarity we’ve built can be hard, too.

Back in 2019, the bishop asked me to move from my first parish to become pastor of a new one.
While I knew this day would eventually come, it didn’t make it any easier. Saying goodbye to
my home and the people who had helped make it my home hit harder than I thought it would. I
remember emailing the bishop late one night and sharing that, after all this, I didn’t think I
wanted to leave. I didn’t want to say goodbye. He called me, we talked about it - about how
goodbyes are hard and sad, but we also talked about how goodbyes can be the avenues for new
grace and new life and, perhaps most importantly, new love. The last thing he said to me that
night was, “Such is the life of a priest. And it is a good life.”

It is a good life. Life is good. And while goodbyes and new chapters can difficult and daunting,
there is new life and new grace and new love that exists in each chapter of own journey.
Whatever comes next for you, knows of my continued prayers - prayers as you prepare for your
final exams, prayers for your goodbyes, and prayers for whatever adventure is in your horizon.

-Fr. Ross


Do you have a question for Campus Ministry? Fill out this webform today!
There will be a Peaceful Vigil, "For Human Dignity" at St. Anthony’s Catholic Church on 417 N Main St. Davenport Iowa at 6:30 P.M. on May 1, 2024 in response to the anti-immigrant bill signed into law by Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds, SF 2340. Organizations and community members across Iowa are coming together to challenge this injustice and support our immigrant brothers and sisters.
Click here to let Nicky know you'd like to join APJ at the Vigil for Human Dignity at 6:30 pm on May 1st at St. Anthony's in Davenport, Iowa
Everyone is a leader in APJ!!! Click here to share how YOU want to make a difference as part of our club next year.
Click here to fill out the Project Todos questionnaire. Your contribution will help us create something great!
Click here for more information about the CCHD Internship.
Are you interested in attending the Ignatian Justice Summit with a group of students from St. Ambrose? Click here to email for more information.
Inspired by Matthew Desmond’s Pulitzer Prize-winning book Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City, the Evicted exhibition brings visitors into the world of low-income renter eviction. The exhibition challenges visitors to face the enormity of one of 21st-century America’s most devastating problems while providing context for the crisis and a call to action.
Click here to visit for more information about the Evicted Exhibition.
Click here to sign up to support our Every Campus a Refuge Family and other service opportunities through Campus Ministry.
Click here to request access the Campus Ministry Food Pantry.
Click here to email with a prayer request or to be part of the prayer chain ministry.
Have a question about a program or event going on in Campus Ministry?
Got an idea for something you'd like to see happen?

Tammy Norcross-Reitzler, Director of Campus Ministry
Rev. Ross M Epping, Chaplain
Colin Evers, Coordinator of Music Ministry
Nicky Gant, Coordinator of Service & Justice
Fabian Barthalonzo, Graduate Assistant

Follow us online for news, events, prayer and spiritual resources, plus much more:

Friday, April 19, 2024



Campus Ministry Bulletin - April 21st, 2024
Tammy Norcross-Reitzler, Director of Campus Ministry
Rev. Ross M Epping, Chaplain
Colin Evers, Coordinator of Music Ministry
Nicky Gant, Coordinator of Service & Justice
Fabian Barthalonzo, Graduate Assistant

Follow us online for news, events, prayer and spiritual resources, plus much more:

A wonderful community of Ambrosians has formed around the family we are housing on campus through the Every Campus a Refuge Program. Volunteers have stepped up to teach English as a Second Language, provide enrichment opportunities for the kids, carpool, babysit, include them in opportunities on campus and connect them with support resources. We marvel at their resilience, celebrate their successes and empathize with their challenges. In serving “our family” together, we now have something in common - caring deeply about their well being.

Through reaching out past our comfort zone to connect across language and cultural barriers in solidarity with this family that has been forced to flee their homeland under grave threat, we have created a stronger sense of belonging with one another and our global community. 

On service trips, the same phenomena occurs. While giving of ourselves, we gain a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves - to the best parts of ourselves and each other. 

Pope Francis said “In the poor and outcast we see Christ’s face; by loving and helping the poor, we love and serve Christ.”

Truly, the poor and outcasts are all around us. In “The State of Religion & Young People: Navigating Uncertainty,” Springtide Research found that 1 of every 5 young people (aged 13-25)  report that they do not have someone in their lives who really cares about them. 

All around us, there are people in deep pain, rejected, lacking a sense of belonging that is an essential nutrient to a fulfilling life. All around us, there are opportunities to encounter Christ through caring deeply for one another. All around us, there are opportunities to truly be the refuge God created us to be. 



Do you have a question for Campus Ministry? Fill out this webform today!
Click here to register for the Senior Retreat!
Click here to order a Campus Ministry Sweatshirt today!
Click here to sign up as a volunteer for Project Renewal Fit Fest and other service opportunities with campus ministry.
Click here to sign up to support our Every Campus a Refuge Family and other service opportunities through Campus Ministry.
Click here for more information about the CCHD Internship.
Are you interested in attending the Ignatian Justice Summit with a group of students from St. Ambrose? Click here to email for more information.
Click here to register for Sustainability Round Table with Dr. Kit Evans-Ford
Click here to sign up for a United Way Day of Caring Service Opportunity!
Click here to request access to the Campus Ministry Food Pantry.
Click here to email with a prayer request or to be part of the prayer chain ministry.
Have a question about a program or event going on in Campus Ministry?
Got an idea for something you'd like to see happen?

Tammy Norcross-Reitzler, Director of Campus Ministry
Rev. Ross M Epping, Chaplain
Colin Evers, Coordinator of Music Ministry
Nicky Gant, Coordinator of Service & Justice
Fabian Barthalonzo, Graduate Assistant

Follow us online for news, events, prayer and spiritual resources, plus much more: